Hi all,
June 2015... the time had come at last... the Throne of Skulls tournament at Warhammer World in the UK was about to begin, the date was 20/21 June 2015. This was the moment I had lived up to for the last few months and also spend a looooot of hours painting and converting my Nurgle Tau for.
The cool irony was that this Tournament was the same that I had started the army for in the First place. 2 years before I planned to have my Nurgle Tau ready to join the Tournament, however....fate and some nasty personal affairs threw my whole plans into disarray. I ended up going the UK after all but decided not to join with an army far from complete...
So this time I planned and hoped that fate had a more positive outcome... And it did! After many hours of converting and painting I had my Nurgle Tau and 2 Nurgle Imperial Knight Titans finished just in time for Throne of Skulls !!
And MY OW MY....what a weekend it was!!! I played 5 awesome games , against awesome and great people. I had so much fun....and I got nominated for " Best Army", unfortunately I did not win the award itself but being nominated amongst the best 7 out of 100 is a BIG honour !!! The painting level was so high that I was even more amazed and proud to be amongst these proud 7 amazing armies and the Artists who painted them. :)
These pictures show my army that got nominated , and the cabinet that was located at Warhammer World, Lenton in the UK.
It has now been little more then two weeks ago but the rush is still fresh ;) Stay tuned for more to follow soon...more Nurgle Tau? Perhaps.... or perhaps something new....You can never have enough hobby projects right ;) ?!?