vrijdag 7 augustus 2015

Time for something new... Beastmen 40k Renegades

Time to pick up one of my old projects...almost time for two weeks of holidays so got Some time to figure out how to best tackle this ...

I decided to put my Nurgle Tau on hold for now , having finished a sizeable force to play games with and achieved my goals for getting the army ready and nominated at Throne of Skulls tournament in the UK last June.

So.... Time for a new Warhammer 40k project : my Abhuman renegade Imperial Guard:)  based on old 40k lore and fluff , these guys were once part of the armies you could play and a very real part of The Imperium.

My army Will focus mainly on " Abhuman Beastmen " , probably a herd that split off from the Imperium when the Inquisition started to hunt them down and kill them. They now wander around the galaxy and live a life of mercenaries.

The Siege of Vrakks and Warmachines of te Lost and Damned from Forgeworld and old GW 40k lore Will be the base and inspiration for this new project...

Wip ... started working on a "Salamander" for my renegade Beastmen guard, these are Light scout vehicles with No model yet made....lot of room to make a few myself with the Chimera as base :) converting time !!!

have to start somewhere... pretty happy with the basis so far. Time to add some "beastmen"- look to it...!
So stay tuned....more is soon to come...

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