donderdag 25 juni 2015

Plague and Carnage....

Time to bring out the big guns! I really needed some close combat strength and some serious firepower at BS 4 to add to my tournament list for Throne of Skulls June 2015. At first I wanted to add more Stealthsuits and the special character Shadowsun and maybe one or 2 extra Riptides. After a look around however (and the release of the AWSOME new Imperial Knight kit) I quickly decided to go for 2 Knight Titans! This even left me with spare points for my freshly converted and painted Nurgle Tau Stealth Suits , double win situation for me! :)
Yes, the Knight has great rules in the game. But that is not the main reason I decided to Nurgle-fy 2 of these beauties . I mean; look at the model! It is so full of detail already and it is full plastic! Making my hands itch to convert it! It is also VERY big, and comes with an equally big base, so LOOOOOOTS of space to put mutations, some free hands, chaos thingies...extra scenery and of course: Nurglings :) 
And of course I wanted the Gauntlet/ Claw!!! You can pick up and throw around things and it looks insane!!

I wanted to go all out on this model and decided that I needed to make it stand out from the rest of the army... but at the same time keep it in line with the Nurgle Tau. So I kept most of the paint scheme and only added a little bit of aged gold and bronze to where it would enhance the model but not make it stand apart from the rest of the army. 

Another important part for me was making sure the model was converted in the same way as the rest, it was Nurgle after all and fluff wise the Knights would be under the command of my Nurgle Tau Commander: " The Arachnid" . And especially that last point of view gave me the inspiration for a lot of the army and these models too.
I wanted to have the "Spider-like" look to be there and tried to achieve this with adding lots of spidery, bony mutations and spikes and also adding height to the model. Of course the carapace on top and the tongue are also extra attempts to make it look like the Nurgle infused curse of the commander also flows through his entire army.
Also for this model I want to add a list of the Games Workshop kits and materials used to achieve the end result:
  • Imperial Knight kit (duh!)
  • Chaos Spawn kit.
  • Nurgling kit.
  • Some tyranid bits.
  • Plague Drone kit.
  • Demon Prince kit.
  • Cities of Death Scenery kits (for the base).
  • Chaos Space Marine vehicle sprues.
  • Plague Bearer kit bits.
  • Empty Lipton Ice can (for the 2 banners on top and on the shoulder)
  • LOOOOOTS of green stuff and texture paint.
The black and white checker pattern base was a no-brainer as it linked the Nurgle Knight even more to the rest of the models. But I needed something extra...and by increasing the height of the rocket pod and having extra nurglings on there who are holding up and waving with banners (which are made out of an empty Liptonice can) I found this little extra something to look at.
All with all I think it really became the centre piece I was looking for and I looked forward to work on his brother... after all I wanted 2 of them ;) stay tuned for  this second Nurgle Knight...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Looking good mate, saw it on the weekend. I was the chap running 5 knights from house Terryn .

  2. Those were wicked looking too mate! :) Lots of awsome armies that weekend .
