zaterdag 21 maart 2015

Where it all started....

..the basic idea behind it was a Tau recon force that was all but killed by a force of Death Guard....

They made the surviving Tau commander "named the Arachnid" (for his spider like tactics) a deal...join the side of father Nurgle and get your army "back" ....and maintain your "life" ...or join them in mindless servitude...

Well he had no real choice and agreed... and the result is a mutated Tau force led by "The Arachnid" who is still Tau...sort of...  ...

I know they are hard for chaos to influence with no psykers and such but Free will....yeah....we all know what happened to the Primarchs  ...
The pictures below are the first models that I converted and painted, it shows the Commander and his 2 comrades. Who could function as bodyguards...there is a 3rd one standing ready to be painted....also can be seen: his loyal shield drone ...



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